
Making a new release of jupyterlab-blockly-ipylgbst

The extension can be published to PyPI and npm manually or using the Jupyter Releaser.

Manual release

Python package

This extension can be distributed as Python packages. All of the Python packaging instructions are in the pyproject.toml file to wrap your extension in a Python package. Before generating a package, you first need to install some tools:

pip install build twine hatch

Bump the version using hatch. By default this will create a tag. See the docs on hatch-nodejs-version for details.

hatch version <new-version>

Make sure to clean up all the development files before building the package:

jlpm clean:all

You could also clean up the local git repository:

git clean -dfX

To create a Python source package (.tar.gz) and the binary package (.whl) in the dist/ directory, do:

python -m build

python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel is deprecated and will not work for this package.

Then to upload the package to PyPI, do:

twine upload dist/*

NPM package

To publish the frontend part of the extension as a NPM package, do:

npm login
npm publish --access public

Automated releases with the Jupyter Releaser

The extension repository should already be compatible with the Jupyter Releaser.

Check out the workflow documentation for more information.

Here is a summary of the steps to cut a new release:

Using PyPI trusted publisher (modern way) - Set up your PyPI project by [adding a trusted publisher](https://docs.pypi.org/trusted-publishers/adding-a-publisher/) - The _workflow name_ is `publish-release.yml` and the _environment_ should be left blank. - Ensure the publish release job as `permissions`: `id-token : write` (see the [documentation](https://docs.pypi.org/trusted-publishers/using-a-publisher/))
Using PyPI token (legacy way) - If the repo generates PyPI release(s), create a scoped PyPI [token](https://packaging.python.org/guides/publishing-package-distribution-releases-using-github-actions-ci-cd-workflows/#saving-credentials-on-github). We recommend using a scoped token for security reasons. - You can store the token as `PYPI_TOKEN` in your fork's `Secrets`. - Advanced usage: if you are releasing multiple repos, you can create a secret named `PYPI_TOKEN_MAP` instead of `PYPI_TOKEN` that is formatted as follows: ```text owner1/repo1,token1 owner2/repo2,token2 ``` If you have multiple Python packages in the same repository, you can point to them as follows: ```text owner1/repo1/path/to/package1,token1 owner1/repo1/path/to/package2,token2 ```

Publishing to conda-forge

If the package is not on conda forge yet, check the documentation to learn how to add it: https://conda-forge.org/docs/maintainer/adding_pkgs.html

Otherwise a bot should pick up the new version publish to PyPI, and open a new PR on the feedstock repository automatically.